Doctor Herbs


Nutritive Values of Cabbage : Per 100 gm.
  • Vitamin A : 80 I.U.
  • Vitamin c : 50 mg.
  • Calcium : 46 mg.
  • Phosphorus : 31 mg.
  • Potassium : 140 mg.
  • Carbohydrates : 5.3 gm.
  • Protein : 1.4 gm.
  • Calories : 24
Cabbage is rich in the following nutrients:

Vitamin A: responsible for the protection of your skin and eyes.

Vitamin C: an all important anti-oxidant and helps the mitochondria to burn fat.

Vitamin E: a fat soluble anti-oxidant which plays a role in skin integrity.

Vitamin B: helps maintain integrity of nerve endings and boosts energy metabolism.

Health Benefits of Cabbage :
  1. Cabbage is a muscle builder, blood cleanser and eye strengthener.
  2. Cabbage is rich in iron and sulfur.
  3. Cabbage may lower the incidence of cancer, especially in the lung, stomach and colon prostate.
  4. The juice of fresh raw cabbage has been proven to heal stomach ulcer.
  5. Juice of fresh cabbage is effective in treating fungus infection(due to it sulfur content).
  6. Cabbage contain phytonutrients, works to protect the body from free radicals that can damage the cell membranes. Phytonutrients also signal our genes to increase its production of enzymes involved in detoxification.
  7. Cabbage can lower serum cholesterol.
  8. Red Cabbage has more phytonutrients than the green cabbage. The vitamin C content of red cabbage is 6-8 times higher than that of the green cabbage.
  9. Red cabbage contain anthocyanin (red pigment/color) is an antioxidant that can help protect brain cells, thus can help prevent Alzheimer's disease.
  10. Cabbage contain Sulforaphane, a substance that can increase the production of antioxidant and detoxification enzymes. Sulforaphane works by stimulating the production of glutathione, the body's most important internally produced antioxidant which plays a role in liver detoxification.
Rich in nutrition and fiber, cabbage is an absolutely phenomenal source of Vitamin C.

Cabbage boosts the immune system's ability to produce more antibodies. Cabbage provides high levels of iron and sulphur, minerals that work in part as cleansing agents for the digestive system.

Try to cook your cabbage lightly. Steaming and quick stir fry dishes are considered to be the best methods for preserving the power packed natural nutrition given so freely by Mother Nature.

Cabbage is a low-glycemic food, which will help control blood sugar and insulin.

Drawbacks of the Cabbage Diet
The sodium content is too high to be considered healthful and problems were often found in those suffering from overweight, blood pressure problems and heart problems.

Cabbage, alone, can only provide a few of these nutrients. When compared to other vegetables, the nutritional content and thus the health benefits of cabbage are not adequate. However, cabbage is a good source of vitamin C and dietary fiber and including it as a part of a healthy diet is fine.

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