Doctor Herbs


Papayas are native to Central America.

The papaya is considered to be one of the healthiest fruits to eat and to some the most nutritious fruit of all.

The black seeds are edible, and have a sharp, spicy taste. They are sometimes ground up and used as a substitute for black pepper. The papaya is high in digestive properties and has a direct tonic effect on the stomach. It is used in the treatment of stomach ulcers and fevers, and has a high mucus solvent action

The ripe fruit, when eaten fresh, improves food digestion and is reported to have a complimentary laxative effect. Its proteolytic enzymes work together to break down complex proteins to produce small peptides and amino acids that can be better utilized or transported to other parts of the body.

The papaya is a good source of vitamins A and C, as well as folate and fiber. In addition, it’s fat-free, cholesterol-free and low in sodium. And an average serving (1/2 papaya) has only 70 calories.
  • Papaya helps prevent constipation and also aid in digestion. Papaya contains the protein called papain which is a digestive enzyme that helps in natural digestion process.
  • Papaya contains a high amount of potassium and the flesh of papaya is very high in Vitamin A.
  • Papaya juice helps in alleviating infections of the colon by clearing away the infection, pus and mucus. Regular consumption will help in improving the problem.
  • The skin of papaya is excellent for treating skin wounds and places that do not heal quickly.
  • Papaya is low in calories and high in nutritive value hence it is an excellent food for those on a diet.
  • Papaya seeds and leaves are useful in treating intestinal worms found in the body.
  • Regularly consuming papaya helps to relieve morning sickness and nausea.
  • Papaya has anti-inflammatory properties and anti-cancerous properties. The anti-inflammatory properties in papaya will help reduce pain for those suffering from arthritis, edema and osteoporosis.
  • Papaya is also very good for the hair and helps in controlling dandruff. Papaya shampoos are good for the hair and are available in many health stores.
  • Papaya is very good for those who frequently suffer from cold, cough or flu because intake of papaya boosts the immune system. The high concentration of Vitamin C and Vitamin A contained in papaya is very beneficial to strengthen the immune system.
  • Raw papaya also helps in reducing menstrual irregularities for women. Papaya helps to ease the condition by promoting natural flow of menstruation.
  • Papaya cleans the stomach and studies have shown that papaya alone eaten for 3 to 4 days has a highly beneficial tonic effect upon the stomach and intestines.

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